Everywhere I look I see people posting about their plans and goals for 2019.
Dry January, meat free January, exercise January etc, etc.
Every magazine, every paper, every social media feed is filled with all the "stuff" we "should" be doing for the new year and I say "NO"
We are in the winter months and we need to be taking our inspiration from nature.
This is a time for nurturing ourselves, for continuing with our self-imposed hibernation and self-care. This is a time for recharging, resting and dreaming.
By all means start thinking about what you'd like to achieve in your life, in the next 30 days, the next 90 days, the next year, the next 3 years, but don't feel that you have to quit everything and put in loads of energy, because there is a good chance you will fail.
Instead this is a time for gently awakening ourselves. It's a time to read those books and prepare for the dreams and wishes that we will make come true in the future.
It's a time for being kind to ourselves, not forcing our bodies to do things that it isn't designed to do at this time of year.
I've just finished reading "cosy" by Laura Weir - that is what we need to do now, get cosy on our own, get cosy with loved ones. Nurture ourselves, our lives, our homes and our relationships.
Be still and listen to the "sap" starting to rise. Look deep into our hearts and our souls  and take the time to decide what we really want.
If you want to reflect on the last 12 months do it, if you don't want to then focus on the now.
If you want to set an intention for the year and goals for the next 3 years, do it. If you don't want to focus on this don't, do some reconnecting with your inner wise woman to ensure that the dreams and wishes you aspire to are really yours, not those of others or the world around you.
Eat warming nourishing food - casseroles, chilli, curry, stew. Do GENTLE exercise, many people who live over 100 years old do gentle exercise such as walking, swimming and gardening.Â
When you can get outside in nature, enjoy every moment you can, just being still and watching our amazing natural world.
Be still.
Look to nature for what you want to do. The trees are resting, as are most of the flowers. As the snowdrops and crocuses rise, allow yourself to rise a little too. Watch for the blooms and the bees to determine when you should start being more energetic. Look to the rising sun and shorter nights to tell you when to do more.
Do one small thing a day towards your dreams - and I mean small. Read a book, take a bath, listen, breathe, meditate.
Just be.
At this time of year my favourite past-time is day dreaming - watching the silvery afternoon light change the look and feel of my garden. I just day dream, I let my brain have the time it needs to juggle everything around and tell me what I really need right now.
So use this time for reconnecting with you, your home, your area, your friends, your family.Â
Have hearty meals for 1 or for many. Snuggle in PJ's and blankets.
Allow your mind, body and spirt its self-care and hibernation, so you are prepared for spring. Look for the magic, look for the wonder, look for the miracles.
Use this time to prepare in simple easy ways and love yourself unconditionally each day.
Sending you love and prosperous wishes for 2019.
Bright Blessings