Imbolc, Chinese New Year and a New moon all on the same day and going into 02.02.2022

Image: Alberttch Getty Images via Canva Pro
Welcome to February.
This is a time of starting to feel the light returning and a spring in our steps, but with a little warning we know we have some time to go and there are more months of winter to come (if you are in the Northern hemisphere).
(Groundhog Day in Punxsutawney is held on 2nd February each year and their Groundhog meteorologist predicts how many weeks of winter are left - check out their website for their Groundhog countdown -
Because of this the 1st - 2nd February 2022 is a very auspicious time and a great time to really set those intentions. Most people have already given up on their January resolutions by now, but the energy is rising, the sap is rising, we can feel the roots beneath us stirring to start a new cycle. And this is what Imbolc (or Candlemas as it is also known) celebrates. It marks the time of new beginnings and is celebrated from the evening of 1st February to the evening of 2nd February 2022). Light a candle* to the goddess Brigid or to the christian St Bridget to welcome in the new life to the world.
This year we also have the Aquarius new moon falling on this day - a time for clarity and inspiration. It's a time to become clear on what actually needs your attention. (As you can tell there's lots of intentional energy going on here).
But it doesn't stop there. This New Moon is the new moon to start the Chinese New Year and this year its the year of the Tiger. For me it feels very special as I am a Tiger in my Chinese years, I even have a tiger tattoo to represent it. But the Tiger is a symbol to be brave, so go for it and follow your dreams.
And on top of all of this, like these days cannot be any more auspicious, we have 02.02.2022!!
All the two's and in numerology the number two is influence by the moon, and its considered a number of partnerships, relationships and co-operation. Its a very feminine force and seen as a symbol of hope and positivity.
So if there is a time to set intentions do consider taking one small step towards your dreams on this day. it could be planning some time for self-care. Signing up for that course you want to do, or just committing to read that book. It's the little things that take us towards our dreams.
Witchy wishes
Haulwen x
* (candles should never be left unattended and used safely)